2021 - Current Ben Allen Treasurer/Secretary
1992 - 2021 Rich Pursel Treasurer/Secretary
1988 - 1992 Frank A. Wittkamp Treasurer/Secretary
1982 - 1988 B. J. Meier Treasurer/Secretary
1974 - 1982 Floyd E. Stewart Treasurer/Secretary
1966 - 1974 Roy C. Huebner Treasurer/Secretary
1963 - 1966 Harry R. Coverdale Treasurer/Secretary
1956 - 1963 Paul E. Smith Treasurer/Secretary
1935 - 1936 C. H. Lorenz Treasurer/Secretary
1933 - 1935 E. O. Beaubien Secretary
1933 - 1935 J. E. Rheiner Treasurer
1922 - 1933 W. J. Chislom Secretary
1921 - 1933 J. E. Rheiner Treasurer
1921 - 1922 R. H. Morrison Secretary
1920 - 1921 J. J. Lynch Secretary
1920 - 1921 A. W. Billington Treasurer
1919 - 1920 A. W. Billington Secretary
1919 - 1920 J. J. Lynch Treasurer
1918 - 1919 K. D. Keilholtz Treasurer
1916 - 1918 O. J. Sweeney Treasurer
1914 - 1919 Harry S. Fox Secretary
1914 - 1916 F. Von Notitz Treasurer
1912 - 1914 J. S. Marke Secretary
1912 - 1914 F. Von Notitz Treasurer
1910 - 1912 E. L. Adams Treasurer
1910 - 1911 L. G. Macomber Secretary
1909 - 1910 K. D. Keilholtz Secretary
1909 - 1910 E. L. Adams Treasurer
1908 - 1909 K. D. Keilholtz Secretary
1908 - 1909 W. S. Rodger Treasurer
1907 - 1908 F. R. Yealland Secretary
1907 - 1908 W. S. Rodger Treasurer
1905 - 1907 Frank M. Cramer Secretary
1905 - 1907 W. S. Rodger Treasurer
The Toledo Transportation Club was organized in 1905. In 2025, the Club is celebrating it’s 120th anniversary.
The Club is comprised of representatives from the trucking industry, railroads, airlines, traffic managers and other people involved with distribution of transportation. Our goal is to promote education and fellowship in the transportation and distribution industries.
Our normal events and meetings consist of the following: Annual Election night dinner held in May, golf outing held during the summer, a Fish Fry to Honor our "Past Presidents" and an Annual Christmas Dinner, which incorporates a fundraising event for charity plus more. Please check our Events page to see what is coming up next.
Other meetings through the winter months are comprised of speakers, tours or outings to sporting or entertainment events or entertainment with a mixture of social and educational meetings. During the Annual Dinner, the Club awards college scholarships. See our Scholarship Page for more details on how to apply.
If your interested in being on the Board please contact any current Board Member. We are always looking for new fresh ideas from energetic people ready to serve the Transportation Industry.
2023 - Current Mike McCabe
2022 - 2023 Ben Allen
2019 - 2022 Marilyn Bender
2018 - 2019 Karen Shanahan
2017 - 2018 Anne Keel
2016 - 2017 Ben Allen
2015 - 2016 Linda Erbland
2013 - 2015 Ben Allen
2012 - 2013 Allison Schultz
2011 - 2012 Karen Shanahan
2009 - 2011 Ward Rambo
2007 - 2009 Deb Myler
2005 - 2007 Chet Rolak
2002 - 2005 Karen Shanahan
2000 - 2002 Mike Dennis
1999 - 2000 R. Brewer
1998 - 1999 G. Hollon
1997 - 1998 Karen Shanahan
1996 - 1997 N. Thompson
1995 - 1996 T. McNulty
1994 - 1995 T. Leahy
1993 - 1994 G. Stump
1992 - 1993 B. Tuttle
1991 - 1992 D. Nichols
1989 - 1991 J. Leahy
1989 - 1990 B. Amherin
1988 - 1989 W. A. Gedeon
1987 - 1988 O. M. Weaver
1986 - 1987 R. E. Greenlese
1985 - 1986 J. R. Bortz
1984 - 1985 L. I. Hinkle
1983 - 1984 T. M. Norvell
1982 - 1983 R. J. Mouch
1981 - 1982 B. J. Meier
1980 - 1981 H. J. Ward
1979 - 1980 R. J. Truckor
1978 - 1979 C. W. Frey
1978 - 1979 J. W. Almond
1977 - 1978 E. R. Culver
1976 - 1977 C. R. Stieb
1975 - 1976 W. G. Koehler
1974 - 1975 H. B. Palz
1973 - 1974 C. J. LaFountaine
1972 - 1973 J. R. Bradley
1971 - 1972 J. L. Lowery
1970 - 1971 R. J. Flahie
1969 - 1970 E. P. Cole
1968 - 1969 V. B. Dunn
1967 - 1968 P. L. Wendt
1966 - 1967 H. E. Johnson
1965 - 1966 G. E. Weber
1964 - 1965 J. M. Carey
1963 - 1964 R. J. Hons
1962 - 1963 A. L. Corcoran
1962 - 1963 J. D. Obee
1961 - 1962 R. H. Radabaugh
1960 - 1961 C. A. Madigan
1959 - 1960 G. D. Spencer
1958 - 1959 J. A. Faller
1957 - 1958 J. L. Robinson
1956 - 1957 F. L. Shelton
1955 - 1956 D. J. Holmes
1954 - 1955 H. J. Spangenburg
1953 - 1954 R. F. Priest
1952 - 1953 L. J. Prior
1951 - 1952 L. D. Tipton
1950 - 1951 H. G. Huhn
1948 - 1949 R. E. Deitemeyer
1948 - 1949 P. H. Schorr
1947 - 1948 J. E. Black
1946 - 1947 W. J. Bryan
1945 - 1946 E. G. Howard
1944 - 1945 F. A. Rugaber
1943 - 1944 C. W. Hoke
1942 - 1943 J. J. Beez
1941 - 1942 H. E. Holverstott
1940 - 1941 W. J. Chisolm
1939 - 1940 Q. W. Sansenbacher
1936 - 1939 J. E. McFarland
1935 - 1936 F. M. Shelton
1934 - 1935 W. J. Bailey
1933 - 1934 C. R. Hartshorn
1932 - 1933 C. B. Tefft
1931 - 1932 G. B. Peterson
1930 - 1931 D. Desmond
1929 - 1930 F. X. Stukenborg
1928 - 1929 W. R. Prickman
1927 - 1928 W. I. Nokely
1926 - 1927 G. W. Dennison
1925 - 1926 J. F. Ryan
1924 - 1925 G. E. Husted
1922 - 1923 L. G. Macomber
1921 - 1922 T. H. Harvey
1920 - 1921 J. F. Holst
1919 - 1920 C. E. Wallington
1918 - 1919 H. S. Bradley
1917 - 1918 H. E. Thatcher
1916 - 1917 C. W. Eggers
1915 - 1916 J. Goldbaum
1914 - 1915 E. D. Ryan
1913 - 1914 W. G. Thomas
1912 - 1913 L. G. Macomber
1911 - 1912 T. Conlon
1910 - 1911 E. N. Kendall
1909 - 1910 J. F. Ryan
1907 - 1908 J. J. Young
1906 - 1907 I. W. Gaaat
1905 - 1906 W. L. Ross
Should you have questions or just need more information about our club please feel free to email and Board Member and we will be more than happy to get back with you.
Past Treasurers & Secretaries
President Mike McCabe Mike.McCabe@owenscorning.com
Vice President Mitch Morrin Mitchell.Morrin@owenscorning.com
Secretary Lindsay Smith lindsay.smith@owenscorning.com
Treasurer Ben Allen Benjamin.allen@thyssenkrupp-materials.com Trustee Aaron Galer agaler@arrivelogistics.com
Trustee Corey Williams cjwilliams44@hotmail.com
Trustee Jason Ross Jason.Ross@hlag.com
Trustee Dan DeSloover ddesloov@ryder.com
Trustee Natalie Stockmaster Natalie.Stockmaster@firstsolar.com
Trustee Natalee Swartz NSwartz@aitx.com
Trustee Steve Davis sdavis@tnetinc.com
Trustee Scott Desbrough scott@teamtrailersalesllc.com
Past Presidents